Philanthropy for innovation

You wish to use your assets to make a personal contribution to solving a social challenge and make a positive impact for the future. You find donating money too impersonal and not sufficiently transparent. You would like to pursue a specific issue or a particular grant-making objective. We are happy to support you in implementing your plans and finding a solution.

Promoting innovation

Traditionally, more money is donated in Switzerland to cultural and social ventures than to the ERI (education, research, innovation) sector. However, there is a great deal of potential for philanthropy in that area. The level of knowledge and innovation in a society will determine tomorrow's prosperity and thus also a high level of culture and social security.

We have observed that potential grant-makers can be discouraged by the complexity of ERI topics and the risks of investing in innovation. However, for over 25 years, Gebert Rüf Stiftung has supported projects in the ERI sector with a particular focus on entrepreneurial implementation. This led to the accumulation of extensive funding experience and a dense network of contacts within universities and other innovative projects.

Achieving more impact together

We would be happy to advise you and present to you the various options to get involved in the field of innovation, even without setting up your own foundation straight away.

If a foundation has a smaller pool of assets, up to CHF 10 million, the return on assets is often not commensurate with its objectives and its administrative costs. In such cases, it makes sense to establish an endowment or a non-independent foundation under the auspices of an existing grant-making foundation. 


Together with funding partners, Gebert Rüf Stiftung has founded the Kick Foundation. Its aim is to strengthen the network of funding initiatives in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship. The Kick Foundation offers a broad array of training and support programs for entrepreneurship, technology and innovation for committed talents in Switzerland, in a step-by-step selection process from the first idea in school to studies and growth financing. This support along the value chain is unique and open to other donors.

Umbrella Foundation

The independent umbrella foundation «Fondation des Fondateurs», which operates throughout Switzerland, offers individual solutions and optimal impact at low administrative costs for smaller foundation initiatives.

Contact us. We are happy to advise you.