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Seprify – Sustainable white pigments


The project management is responsible for the content of the information provided.


  • Projekt-Nr: GRS-076/22 
  • Förderbeitrag: CHF 150'000 
  • Bewilligung: 10.02.2023 
  • Dauer: 04.2023 - 03.2024 
  • Handlungsfeld:  InnoBooster, seit 2018



Seprify provides plant-based, high-performance functional materials to businesses to enable sustainable and safe products. Seprify's first product is a cellulose-based white pigment to replace titanium dioxide (TiO2). Today, TiO2 dominates the $16bn white pigment market, with applications in food, pharma, cosmetics, printing, paint, and coating industries. These heavy-metal based nanoparticles have recently been classified as potentially cancerogenic. Therefore, TiO2 is being removed by producers and customers through regulation, and there is no high performance alternative available. We provide a safe and renewable TiO2 replacement using micronscale-engineered cellulose. Our material has proven performance and is established in a robust process that is cost- and energy efficient as well as scalable.


This project will allow Seprify to validate our first go-to markets by customizing and testing cellulose white pigments for the food and cosmetic sectors, where regulatory pressure and customer perception drives change.
For this we will first produce testing material, perform quality control measures and characterize extensively the material properties relevant for food and cosmetic applications.
We will the use the produced material to work on food and cosmetic formulations and the compatibility with those. This includes, but is not limited to, mixing properties, solvent and other matrix compatibilities, colloidal stability, heat stability and scattering properties (including UV).


Am Projekt beteiligte Personen

Dr. Lukas Schertel, Project leader
Dr. Shuzhen Chen, Project employee at Université de Fribourg
Dr. Sandra Wohlhauser, Project employee at Université de Fribourg

Letzte Aktualisierung dieser Projektdarstellung  02.01.2024